
OBJECTIVE "Regional competitiveness and employment" OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME
Part Competitiveness

Bando D.L.T.M.

Action 1.2.2
"Industrial research and experimental development services for enterprises in the Ligurian District for Marine Technology (DLTM)"

Position: 12

Project start date: 17/07/2012

RTI (Temporary Grouping of Companies):
Capofila: Infoporto La Spezia s.r.l. (PMI).
BK s.r.l. (PMI).
Datasel s.r.l. (PMI).
G.A.M.P. s.r.l. (PMI).

Project End Date: 16/07/2014

INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia).


Submarine Integrated System for monitoring subsidence and bradyseism

National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) has recently developed a system called CUMA (Cabled Underwater Module for Acquisition of Sismological date), which extends the surveillance network to the territorial sea level in the field of the caldera. After installation and a trial period, the form of CUMA became operational as part of the surveillance network of the Campi Flegrei area and is providing continuous geophysical data to the control center of the Neapolitan volcanic areas managed by INGV. The project presented here aims to exploit the systems already developed by INGV and summarize it with innovative features that can make better performance monitoring, data acquisition and management. The proposed system represents a great opportunity for participating companies to RTI also because of the extreme interest in the INGV foreshadowing in the future to realize, with the partnership of the project, the development of the system for the creation of a natural laboratory submarine connected with a ground control station that allows the display to the continuous monitoring of bradyseism.

The project aims to implement a real-time system consisting of the CUMA station, a LaCoste & Romberg gravimeter base model U24 owned by the INGV -OV made available for the project and a new experimental apparatus, under study, described below, to better monitor the phenomenology typical of volcanic areas of Campi Flegrei. As regards the seismic apparatus - gravitational, the study will cover the performance improvement gravimeter gravitational developed by AGI Ltd (a spin-off of National Institute of Astrophysics - Institute of Interplanetary Space Physics) for aerospace purposes, as well as can be used as a station on the seabed in waters off the coast of Pozzuoli. The activities will aim primarily at improving the thermal stability of the instrument over time and in order to extend as much as possible his band of low-frequency response.